Labrador Retriever / Mixed : : Female : : Baby : : Large
Howdy! We are the Z+’s and we came to Texas Sporting Breed Rescue, Inc. After our little family suffered a tragedy. Here is a littles out our story we are still growing but will be ready to start meeting families around 8/1/2019 ~ so get your applications in fast!
“Divine Intervention Take II” ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Our Troopie Emergency Team responded to a call for help for a Mama and her litter that were run over. Unfortunately mama dog and some of her puppies did not survive, leaving the remaining 9 puppies struggling. 5 of the surviving littles had significant injuries requiring immediate emergency veterinary intervention.
Sadly an additional one of those did not make it to our vet team standing by. The other 3 injured had serious full thickness lacerations and punctures to their chests, hind end and abdominal regions. A 4th puppy not initially diagnosed as injured had a bladder injury. The other 4 puppies appear to have survived mostly unscathed but dehydrated. They were only 4 days old at the time of the accident. We immediately began bottle and tube feeding, fluids, antibiotics, and wound care. The decision was made with our team to attempt to have Mama Zyra who was surrogate had another litter from our Divine Intervention Project step in as support.
Initially Mama Z was anything but interested. After all what 1yr old mama from a horrific hoarding scene, that has just finished nursing and caring for 6 puppies (5 of which were not her own) would want to - when you can be laying in the sunshine and playing zoomies.
We are thrilled to report that she has decided that while she has no interest in clean up duties (who can blame her) she is a willing milk train! She had a thorough exam to ensure she was healthy and improving herself enough to support this mission at least in part. We will continue to bottle feed around the clock to take the pressure off of her.
The pups still have a lot of hurdles to overcome and several will be touch and go for the next 1-2 weeks.
Mama Z and the little z+’s deserve a fate better than they were dealt Zeb, Zayne, Zaki, Zips, Zuri, Zayda, Zelie, and Zofia are counting on us all!
Please join Mama Z and support this little family through their tragedy. We know it’s a lot of asking in a short time but we simply can’t do this without you: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=tIVxGWbht6Z655jbNsg5f1Kv7TIZKzzIfbC23ksTid7h3qFRTzxCM1G1tw1FG0mpX1tHe0&country.x=US&locale.x=US More about ZayneGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Requires a yard, Likes to play with toys, Playful, Affectionate Other Pictures of Zayne (click to see larger version):